Digital Marketing Acronyms Explained
We’ve all been there. Someone says something you don’t understand, and you kind of just nod and go along with it. And then time passes, and you’re too embarrassed to ask for clarification.
Don’t worry—this is a no-judgment zone. That’s why we created this handy-dandy list of digital marketing terms to help you out.
SEO = Search Engine Optimization
This term gets thrown around a lot, and it’s as essential as people make it out to be. SEO is all about making it easier for search engines to find your content and rank it highly for your target keywords.
The more optimized your content is, the more your brand will pop up when someone runs a search related to your products or services.
PPC/CPC = Pay-Per-Click/Cost-Per-Click
Pay-per-click advertising is a model in which you pay a small amount every time a customer clicks on the link attached to your content. Google Ads is one of the most popular examples of PPC ads.
CTA = Call to Action
Call to Actions are directions you give your customers to move them through your website and, ultimately, your sales funnel. CTAs usually take the users to another part of your website and encourage the browsers to fill out a contact form, sign up for your email list, register for an account, request a quote, reach out to an employee for information, etc.
CTR = Click-Through Rate
Your click-through rate measures how often a customer will follow a call to action or click on a link. CTR is determined by dividing the total number of impressions by the total number of clicks.
CRO = Conversion Rate Optimization
Converting a lead means that a site visitor becomes a customer by completing a given action (like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase). Your conversion rate is your total number of visitors divided by the number of people who become customers.
So it follows that conversion rate optimization is working on getting the highest possible conversion rate possible. Increasing your conversion rate means more money in your business’s pocket.
HTTP/HTTPS = Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Secure)
You primarily see this at the beginning of a web address, but the reason we’re talking about this is the distinction between “HTTP” and “HTTPS.” Since the S stands for “Secure,” “HTTPS” indicates a secure connection to the site.
Sites need a security certificate to use “HTTPS,” and search engines rank secure websites above unsecured sites.
UX = User Experience
User experience is all about how easy it is for your customers to navigate your website and other content. While you may think something looks cool, it may be overwhelming or hard to read for the person looking at their screen. And if a website is too complex, shoppers will just move on to another website.
UI = User Interface
User Interface includes the various aspects of the structure of your website, including layout, functionality, color, typography, and more. UI and UX go hand in hand because a great UI often leads to an excellent UX.
KPI = Key Performance Indicators
Key performance indicators are the metrics you use to measure how effectively you’re hitting your goals. KPIs can include everything from CTR, conversion rate, total sales, and more.
SERP = Search Engine Results Page
The search engine results page is what pops up after you type something into Google. SERP is important to digital marketing teams because the higher your content ranks, the more likely it is that a customer will click on the link.
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