How Real Companies Use Chat Bots
With the recent hype over chat bots, many businesses have found that it is indeed a useful tool. What makes chat bots effective is that it is not limited to an industry, but can be tailored to fit the needs of a business.
Aside from it’s entertaining qualities which was used earlier on, chat bots can now be used for marketing research,content marketing, lead generation, customer service,\ etc.
To show you just how valuable chat bots can be, we’ve compiled a list of companies using chat bots or the chat bots themselves and how they made use of it to further their business.
Marriot International
Marriot has been utilising a chatbot which is available through Facebook Messenger and Slack with plans on introducing it through Google Assistant and WeChat soon. What has been called their Customer Engagement Center, the chatbot serves users trip suggestions based from the Marriot Traveler. Users who are Marriot Rewards members can also book through this chat bot in more than 4700 hotesl from the chain.
This has set a precedent in the hospitality industry which will surely be a wonderful addition to every hotel chain in the world.
HealthJoy is a system that reviews medical bills, analyses drug prescriptions and search for the lowest price enabling users to save more for a procedure.
Chatobook is an application that works by chatting with customers and taking questions relevant to the restaurant that uses it. Answering these questions will then prompt the chat bot to help the users by taking reservations, sharing the restaurant’s existing promotions, collecting service feedback or even showing the users the restaurant’s menu.
Regardless of industry, a business is still a business with operational costs. Therefore, with a chat bot running 24/7 and without requiring office space or shift changes, businesses save a whole lot more as compared to hiring a call center to handle customer service. With the help of technology, chat bots can even have a wider range of connection and a faster service as compared to call centers.
While chat bots have been in the market for a considerable amount of time, it is still considered a young technology given the fact that not many have adopted it yet. But seeing as how it has been a valuable tool for most companies, it will only be a matter of time before chat bots become a real day-to-day thing.
If you’re interested to learn more about chat bots and how they can make a great fit to your business, don’t hesitate to drop us a line.
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